Peach Blossom Stream 桃花水
Ink and color on papier 水墨媒材
70cm X 111cm
Series ""A Whim, A Bloom"
In Chinese literati art, " Artist does not “represent” the nature, or by imitating it, by choosing from the “beautiful nature”, but reproduce it.". ---- François Jullien « Le Nu Impossible »
In this series "A Whim, A Bloom", artist retake the most typical theme of Chines Literati art, by reinterpreting the rhythm that she felt in the nature.
Dans un Nouveau Monde 藝術新世界
水墨媒材 Ink and color on papier
71cm X 33cm
Série « Mode Make Up»
En art, le portrait semble un genre mort. Et pourtant les visages n’ont pas abandonné le champ de l’art. Dans cette série, L’idée origine dans les images de défile de mode, la re-interprétation de l’intégration de la calligraphie chinoise dans la monde contemporaine est présentée à partir d’une série de travaux centrés sur la représentation de caractéristiques des visages, c’est des visages maquillés, anonymes, celui qui passent sur le défile de mode, qui n’ont pas le temps de se poser.
Exhibition PRIVATE VIEW, curated by Pierre Cornette de Saint-Cyr and Pia Copper in
Paris, IN Gallery GRC, artists including Ai WeiWei
艾未未, Cang Xin 蒼鑫, Cai Guoqiang蔡國強 and 2 young generation artists including HONG Wai洪慧. From 8 November- 20December 2012
Exhibtion "Times, Through the eyes of Art" curated by NuYou Time magazine 女友精錶, in Singinpour ION ART Gallery. With 10 artists international from various disciplines selected by NuYou Magazine to interpret the concept of "Time".
in August 2012.
Selected in the finalists of FID 2012 (Foire Internationale du Dessin - International Drawing Art Fair)
HONG Wai is an digital artist and Chinese Ink
artist, Born in Shanghai in 1982, brought up in Macau and currently living in
Paris. PhD. Candidate of Theories of Art in Ecole des Hautes Etudes en
Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, France. First solo
painting exhibition at the age of 17 in UNESCO of Macao. 2013 Joined exhibition《Coup de Foudre de la Chine》in Museum Gallery Arsenal Montreal, Canada, Artists
including Ai Weiwei艾未未, Qiu Jie邱節, Gao Brothers高氏兄弟, Hung Tunglu洪東祿, Cang Xin蒼鑫, Digital
artisits including Hong Wai洪慧 and Wu Junyong.
2012 Selected in the finalists of FID (Foire Internationale
du Dessin - International Drawing Art Fair)
2007-2010 Macao Foundation’s Art scholarships for Ph.D degree of Arts
inEcole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) Paris, France.
2005 Selected in the short
list of Paris Jeunes Talents (Paris Junior Outstanding
Artists), solo exhibition organised by Le Maire de Paris.
2000 Price of New Talent of “XVII collective exhibition of Macao artists”
& Exhibition
-2013《Coup de Foudre de la Chine》in Museum
Gallery Arsenal Montreal, Canada. Artists
including Ai Weiwei, Qiu Jie, Gao Brothers, Hung Tunglu, Cang Xin, Digital
artisits including Hong Wai and Wu Junyong. In Montreal, Canada, from 31st
January 2013
-2012 Exhibition 《Privater View》curated by Pierre Cornette
de Saint-Cyr in his private Gallery in Paris, Artists including Ai Weiwei, Cang
Xin, Hung Tunglu and two new generation artists including HONG Wai.
-《Time, Through the Eyes of Art》,
curated by Singapour Magazine Nu You Time, 女友精錶, Ten award-winning artists from
different disciplines have been asked to interpret time using their art form as
a celebration of Magazine's
10 anniversary. Double-cover collector's edition, with an double page interview
of Artist HONG Wai and her works. Auguest
2012 in Singapour ION Art Gallery.
-2012 FID (Foire Internationale du Dessin - International
Drawing Art Fair) , Paris, France, June 2012
-2012 Art Melbourne Art Fair 2012, present by AFA Gallery,
May 2012
Hong Kong Contempory Art Fair, present by AFA Gallery, 18-20May 2012
Affordable Art Fair Singapour, present by AFA Gallery, 15-18 November 2012 - 2000 First solo painting exhibition in UNESCO of
Macao, Some of the exhibits are currently represented in the collections of
UNESCO Centre.
- Le visage, le gène, Art work
catalogue, published by Macao Artist Society, Macao, September 2004, 50
pages. ISBN :
- Article « Loisir et liberté de création à partir du cas de Wu
Guanzhong », inCulture du loisir, art et esthétique, under the direction
of Yolaine Escande and Johanna Liu, edited by You Feng édition, Paris, décembre
2010, P. 171-183.
- Interview with Chinese artist WU Guanzhong, Translator of his first
French Complete catalogue Wu Guanzhong, collection : Mains et
Merveilles. Edition La différence, Paris, May 2007, 27cm X 29cm, 350
pages; under the direction of Yolaine. ISBN : 978-2-7291-1687-3.
Ph.D Canadidate of Theories and Practice of ART, Ecole des Hautes
Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, France.
- MASTER of Theories and Practice of Art and
Language, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, France.
- Bachelor of Arts Degree, National Taiwan
University, The Department of Chinese, Literature, college of Liberal Arts.
1982年出生於上海,長大於澳門,現居法國巴黎,定期策劃展覽於歐洲和中國。法國巴黎高等社會科學院(Ecole des Hautes Etudes en sciences sociales,簡稱EHESS) 藝術語言研究中心博士生(Centre de
Recherches sur les Arts et les langages CRAL-EHESS),參與該中心<藝術及普世藝術家>研究計劃。十七歲時在澳門聯合國教科文中心舉辦首次個人畫展;2012年法國著名策展人Pierre Cornette de Saint –Cyr 於其巴黎畫廊策劃<Private View中國當代作品展>,十位重要藝術家包括艾未未,蒼鑫,邱志杰,及兩位新銳藝術家包括洪慧。
2013 《來自中國的驚雷》(Coup de Foudre de la
Chine) 中國當代藝術展於加拿大Arsenal Montreal畫廊博物館。藝術家包括艾未未,蒼鑫,邱節,高氏兄弟,洪東祿,及新銳數位藝術家洪慧和吳俊勇,2012年2月於加拿大蒙特羅
2012 法國著名策展人Pierre Cornette de Saint –Cyr
2012 <Time,
Through the Eyes of Art>,新加坡女友精錶雜誌精選十位不同領域的藝術家和設計師以”時間”為題進行創作,洪慧為唯一入選的當代畫家。展覽於九月於新加坡ION Art Gallery舉行
Internationale du Dessin - International Drawing Art Fair)
2012 <塗鴉芥子園>參加香港當代HK Contempory Art Fair,by Art For All Society
2012 墨爾本藝術博覽會Art Melbourne Art Fair,by Art For All Society
2012 新加坡Affordable Art Fair藝術博覽會,by Art For All Society, 11月15-18日
2000 首次水墨個展於澳門聯合國教科文中心(UNESCO Macao)
Internationale du Dessin - International Drawing Art Fair
2005年獲選<巴黎新秀藝術家> (Paris Jeune Talant
2005) ,巴黎市政府於巴黎主辦個人畫展。
2000 年第十七屆全澳書畫聯展國畫組新秀獎
Ø訪問吳冠中,並翻譯吳冠中首本法國作品全集, <吳冠中,二十世紀偉大藝術家系列> (Wu Guanzhong, Collection:
Mains et Merveilles), éditions
la Différence出版社,350頁,巴黎2007年。
Ø法語論文《休閒與藝術創作中的自由》(Loisir et liberté de création à
partir du cas de Wu Guanzhong ),刊於<休閒,藝術和美學的文化>叢刊,由幽蘭,劉千美主編,巴黎友豐出版社2010年12月出版,頁171-183。ISBN: 978-2-84279-496-5
HONG Wai is a Digital Artist and Chinese Ink Artist based in Paris and Macao. At the age of 17, she had her first solo painting exhibition at UNESCO of Macao. During the years her works were exhibited worldwide, from Macau, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taiwan, Singapore, Melbourne, Montreal, London to Paris, featured in various exhibitions, art fairs an publications.
Hong's latest joint exhibition in France and Canada included world famous contemporary artists Ai Weiwei 艾未未, Gao Brothers 高氏兄弟, Hung Tunglu 洪東祿, Cang Xin 蒼鑫, among other international acknowledged artists.
Hong's work is represented by, Saint Cyr Grivait Gallery in Paris, Arsenal Montréal in Canada, AFA in Macao and Beijing, China.